

What Is an Epilogue

What Is an Epilogue? Everything You Need to Know

March 16, 2020

Full disclosure: I’m not a huge fan of Epilogues. That’s not to say they’re all bad. In fact, I’ve ended several of my novels with Epilogues. Done right, they can be a powerful way to leave your reader satisfied. But beware! Approach your Epilogue wrong and you can ruin the end of your story. So, […]

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character archetypes

12 Character Archetypes You Can Use to Create Heroes Your Reader Will Love

November 12, 2019

Guest post by Tami Nantz There’s no way around it: If you want to write a story that pulls in readers, you must include compelling characters. They need to feel: Believable Mysterious Relatable But that’s difficult to pull off—one reason most stories are unpublishable.  Maybe you’re feeling this tension right now. Maybe you’ve created a […]

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story structures

7 Story Structures Any Writer Can Use

October 22, 2019

You may have a great story but no idea where to start. Whether an Outliner or a Pantser, you need an idea of where you’re going. So….  Where do you begin?  What’s the middle supposed to look like?  How do you craft a resounding ending? You need a basic story structure, and the good news […]

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Characters Emotions

Masterfully Showing Emotion in Your Characters

August 13, 2019

Guest post by C.S. Lakin Effectively rendering emotion is challenging, but it’s a necessary skill if you’re a fiction writer. Readers want to be moved and never forget what reaches their hearts. If we writers don’t carefully, masterfully evoke emotion, we fail as storytellers. There are three main ways you can reveal emotions in your […]

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How to Develop a Great Story Idea

How to Develop a Great Story Idea

April 30, 2019

If you jumped online to find writing prompts or story ideas, you’re in the right place. But what I’m about to tell you may surprise you. Novelists must think differently from other writers. Our aim is to create a world our readers can get lost in. But it’s easy to become overwhelmed before we even […]

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