

Figurines on Keyboard

How to Create Dazzling Dialogue

July 10, 2017

Guest blog by Gabriela Pereira Of all aspects of the writing craft, dialogue is by far my favorite. Maybe it’s because dialogue makes me feel like I’m in the scene with the characters or lets me see their dynamic personalities bounce off each other. Or maybe it’s just because I’m impatient and don’t like to weed […]

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How to write a series

How to Write a Series of Novels Your Readers Will Love

April 18, 2017

Writing a series is daunting. Each installment must both stand alone and work as part of the whole. You’re forced to keep up with all the elements you exploit in a single novel and make sure they serve the entire entity: characters, plot, settings, everything. Having written six adult series and ten children’s series, I […]

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Does this scene deserve a place in your story?

Does This Scene Deserve a Place in Your Story? 2 Ways to Find Out

April 4, 2017

Guest post by K.M. Weiland “Cut this scene. It doesn’t move the plot.” That is my most frequent comment on manuscripts I edit for others. It causes most writers to groan. Not only am I telling you to cut your beloved scenes (perhaps even your favorite), but you’re left to figure out why these scenes […]

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Writing a perfect scene

8 Steps to Writing a Perfect Scene—Every Time

November 28, 2016

Guest post by C.S. Lakin You know how complex writing a novel can be. You not only have to come up with a great premise, engaging characters, high stakes, and conflict that pushes the protagonist toward his goal, but you must also learn how write a scene that compels readers—and fill your book with them. […]

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Creating character empathy

10 Ways To Create Immediate Character Empathy

August 23, 2016

Need fast, practical help getting readers to care about your main character? Enjoy this blog by my friend and colleague, an award-winning, bestselling novelist. JJ Guest post by Brandilyn Collins Regardless of genre, novelists must create empathy for protagonists at their first appearance. Mere action isn’t enough! The most interesting plot won’t matter to readers if […]

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