Do You Want to Become an Author?
Because you've found this site, I'm guessing you have a passion for writing. In fact, maybe you want to be more than a writer — you want to be an author.
Do you have a story inside you burning to be told, but something's keeping you from writing it?
- You're overwhelmed, having no idea how or where to start.
- You started but quickly found yourself mired in doubt, worried you're headed the wrong direction.
- You wrote your book but are now frustrated to the point of desperation by a growing pile of rejection slips.
Regardless, you've come to the right place. Because over the last 50 years, I've been an editor, a publisher, a nonfiction author, and a novelist. So I'm confident I can put you on the track to success.
I Was Once Unknown and Unpublished
If you know my work, it's probably because of Left Behind, my New York Times bestselling novel series. But actually I've written more than 190 across several genres (including biographies of several famous people), and my writing has also appeared in magazines like TIME, Reader's Digest, Parade, and many others.
But it wasn't always this way. I started where most writers do — unknown and unpublished. I wrote my first several books on a manual typewriter that sat on a board suspended between two chairs. I learned early that there are no shortcuts to publishing success.
When I was a teenager, an author I admired took an hour to advise me, and I vowed that if I ever succeeded, I'd pay forward that kindness.
That's why I'm here. I believe that with basic skills and proper guidance, you can learn to create prose that entertains, touches hearts, and has the potential to impact lives all over the world. That happened for me, a small town Midwestern kid, so why not you?
Want to become an author? Click the image below to download my free complete guide:

My Goal For You
I want to help you achieve the dream you’ve had for so long: to become an author.
You've come to the right place if you:
- Are ready to tackle the book burning inside you.
- Long to share your creativity and message with the world.
- Want to train under someone who's been there and will work to get you to the next level.
- Want to network with thousands of other aspiring authors.
If you're willing to learn, I'll help you avoid pitfalls common to novice writers.
I'll send writing tips straight to your inbox that'll help you improve your writing.
The only prerequisite to getting these writing tips is that you’re totally committed to reaching your full potential as a writer.
Start by taking this free assessment to learn how to unlock your true potential.
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