Writing a book can be an organizational nightmare. You find yourself scribbling ideas, scenes, research notes, you name it, on napkins, in notebooks, on sticky pads, or keyboarding stuff into files you can’t find later on your computer. What if you could keep ALL that stuff, even photos and graphs and charts, all in one […]
Read MoreWhy do we remember characters in fiction like Huckleberry Finn, Oliver Twist, Frodo Baggins, and Harry Potter years after we meet them? Page-turning novels feature believable characters with human flaws, people who grow heroic in the end. So how do you conjure up characters like that? First, it pays to understand the basic types of […]
Read MoreBefore an Acquisitions Editor or an Agent reads a word of your manuscript they can tell if it’s properly formatted. That’s crucial. Why? It’s about more than looks. Sure, they’re going to decide on buying your work largely on the writing and market potential. So why is formatting so important? Any errors will have to […]
Read MoreGuest Post by Tami Nantz If you want to be taken seriously as a writer, it’s imperative you become what Jerry calls a ferocious self-editor. There’s no way around it. Little irritates an agent or a publisher’s acquisitions editor more than having their time wasted by a writer who doesn’t edit and revise his own […]
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