

Unique Gifts for Writers

Unique Gifts for Writers

December 23, 2019

I LOVE finding just the right gift for the people I most care about, don’t you?  Believe it or not, writers are easy—and fun—to buy for.  If you thought there weren’t many options beyond: Paper and pens An Amazon or bookstore gift card A notebook A book by their favorite author You’ll be happy with […]

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Writing Groups - How To Find the Right One

Writing Groups: How To Find the Right One

October 16, 2018

When we writers spend hours alone at the keyboard, that isolation can get to even us introverts. The solution is to find a writers group—populated by like-minded fellow strugglers. I belong to three—one that meets in person and two that interact online, and I encourage Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild members to find one or form […]

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Precious Memories: Billy Graham (1918-2018)

February 21, 2018

I was always saying the wrong things around Billy Graham. One of his aides even told me I had been selected from a handful of authors to assist him with his memoirs because I was the one who obviously hadn’t prepared an answer to his team’s most predictable question: What qualifies you to do this? […]

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If You Really Want to Make It as a Writer

If You Really Want to Make It as a Writer

September 13, 2016

Guest post by Chris Fabry If you really want to make it as a writer, find somebody. If you want to reach some level of success, as in “get published by a publisher,” find somebody. If you are tired of dreaming alone, find somebody. If your spouse doesn’t understand your obsession, don’t try to make […]

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Stack of books under the sun

Why Write If ‘There’s Nothing New Under the Sun’?

August 30, 2016

What’s the point of writing if everything has already been said? Many writers face this alarming question at some point. Every time I enter a bookstore, I wonder, Does anybody need to write anything more about anything? That there is nothing new under the sun is true, of course, if for no other reason than […]

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